the inquisitive dentist

the inquisitive dentist

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A letter for the Dentist-To-Be

Dear Dental Student,

        If you happen to be a dentistry student who is currently struggling and trying juggle all those academic and clinical requirements plus extra curricular activities for those who are into organizations, this letter is for you. If you feel stressed, depressed, frustrated or whatever negative vibes you have right now, I'd like to say that you are not alone. I've been been into several challenging moments during my time as well. I almost questioned myself of being into the program from time to time. It wasn't all bad experiences, I also had a fair share of achievements and countless happy times with my friends and colleagues. But you know what, I never regret those challenging times I had during my undergraduate days. 

So this was me completing one of my clinical requirements in my school. It was a diastema closure procedure I think (if my memory serves me right). My horizons as a student was open, and still it is. I wasn't afraid to invest and try new things. Things that could make my life a little easy as a clinician. If someone  introduce me or if my curiosity arises about a new dental material, I'd say why not try it. One of the things I introduced to my classmates then was the Low Speed Air Turbine by Foshan. One summer afternoon, I called every dental supplier in town to look for the turbine only at a good deal and I happened to came across DSC Inc. where they sell it without the hand pieces. Why am I looking for this equipment? Simple. To make things easy. I was having a hard time carrying my micro motor and the setting up part was a little bit time consuming. Little did I know that I was aiming for ergonomics. For me, I just want to make things hassle-free. When I found that it was very effective for me, I introduced it to my classmates and they were happy to use it as well. I'm not saying that you throw away your micro motor. NO! It is one of the things that you'll be needing in your future practice. Therefore, it is worth keeping.
Low Speed Air Turbine
Pros: Easy to install
Wont take up space too much
Light weight
Con: You need a dental chair to operate this

Dentamerica Rotex 782 Micromotor
Pros: Heavy duty for Prosthodontic works
Portable; You can use it on a tabletop
Cons: Extra baggage when you bring it everyday
Little bit pricey


Another brand that I introduce before was the Tokuyama Estelite Sigma Quick. I remember so vividly that I was having a difficulty placing a Class IV restoration on one of my patients. The composite was very sticky and I had a hard time placing it on the cavity. It kept adhering on my hand instrument! My clinical instructor noticed it and gave it a try. But she also had a hard time too. With that experience, I decided to switch brands. I approached one of my mentors who happen to be in the dental trading. I told her my story and I ask for probable pocket-friendly brands that she could recommend. That was when Tokuyama Dental was introduced to me.

 I bought a three-syringe system. Before it comes with a bonding agent. She even said that the adhesive included in the package was a Self-Etching bond. I was so amazed to know that because I purchased a material that can lessen my chair-time and save money on etchants! Not only that, they even gave me two flowable composites for free. I was so happy then I took it on a test. It's true that doesn't stick to your instrument. From then on, all of my patients with Class III, IV and V classifications I restored it using Tokuyama Estelite Sigma Quick. Of course, I shared this information to my classmates and some of them purchased too! Some of them borrowed mine and tried it on their patients. We all shared the same feedback that it cuts the chair time in half and it is not technique sensitive. Again, another hassle-free material! 

Don't be afraid to try new things. Explore other dental materials or brands that could make your life less complicated. It can save you time, money and energy. It pays when you work smarter too, you know.  

*the inquisitive dentist is not under or related to any dental company. These write ups are from experience-based situations.*

- The Inquisitive Dentist

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