the inquisitive dentist

the inquisitive dentist

Monday, June 30, 2014

What You Need To Know About Tooth Decay

                According to the Department of Health (DOH), 87.4 % of Pinoys are suffering from dental caries or what we all know as tooth decay. This recent statistics is somehow alarming and this condition may weaken our immune system to fight against diseases. This condition may open the doors to other systemic diseases such as endocarditis, gastrointestinal conditions even rheumatoid arthritis. 

So how does tooth decay starts?

Bacteria found inside our mouth and onto our  teeth are also like humans.They need food in order to survive. And they too, have a weakness on sweets. They love sugars and starches as their source of food. As a part of the digestion process, they also need to remove their waste out of their system and thus, called a by-product. These by-product produce by these bacteria are are acid in nature and it is responsible for the demineralization of a tooth. So if you always munch on sugary food products, the colony inside your mouth will be so happy. 
Tooth Decay (

What are the signs and symptoms of having a tooth decay?

  • A white spot lesion may indicate of an early sign of tooth decay. It is caused by the decalcification process brought about by the acid from the waste product of the bacteria. 
  • Symptoms will not occur unless the tooth has a cavity or has been infected. The presence of toothache may differ depending on the size of the cavity. Persistent toothache may indicate that the cavity has already reached the pulp.
  • Bad breath is also a symptom of dental cavity.

How do we eliminate dental cavity?

  • Brushing
Dental cavity can be eliminated by brushing with a fluoridated toothpaste at least 2 times a day. Fluoride can prevent the process of decay.
  • Limit your sweet intakes
It's okay to eat cakes, ice cream or chocolates but on a limited intakes to avoid the frequency of acid attacks on our tooth. 

  • Neutralize your mouth
You can do this by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. It is better to drink more water after dessert. This way, you can flush out the remaining sticky food particles. 

  • Consider Sealants
Pits and Fissure Sealant
Dental sealant are tooth colored coatings that is applied on molars. It can help eliminate dental cavity by covering the uneven grooves on the tooth that can be a potential site for food impaction.

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