the inquisitive dentist

the inquisitive dentist

Monday, June 16, 2014

Having a Bad Breath???

There are a lot of factors why a person is having a bad breath. It could be from the food that you eat to having an alert sign that you might be having a systemic condition. Oftentimes, it is not you who notices it first. To save you from further embarrassment of having a bad breath, I want to share the following information regarding halitosis and how you can save yourself from it.

Gum Disease (

What are the causes of Bad Breath?

Here are some common causes of bad breath:

  • Poor Oral Hygiene
             If the patient doesn't brush and floss at least once a day, then we have a problem. Food can sometimes lodge in between the teeth and bacteria can harbor the site. This could lead to dental caries (tooth decay) and gum problems.

  • Cigarette/Tobacco Use
              Smoking can  leave the mouth dry. Having a dry mouth could initiate bad breath since the cleansing ability of the saliva is reduced. Also, the chemicals found in cigarettes are considered oral irritants that can cause gum disease and oral cancers.

  • Untreated Tooth Cavities
    Advanced Tooth Decay (

                  Tooth decay that has been untreated are one of the causes of halitosis especially deep cavities. Oftentimes, food debris lodge inside the cavity which adds to the foul odor if it is not removed. 

  • Related Medical Conditions
             Patients with medical conditions such as Diabetes, Sjorgrens Syndrome, Bulemia Nervosa and patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer can sometimes suffer halitosis. The salivary flow of these patients are compromised due to the condition. Also, these patients are suffering from immunodeficiency. It is either the immunity is compromised or totally absent.
Respiratory tract infection such as tonsillitis and bronchitis can cause oral malodour too.

Here are some helpful and simple tips to get rid of Bad Breath.

  • Complete Oral Hygiene

           Oral hygiene is not only limited to brushing alone. A complete cycle of oral hygiene includes brushing, flossing and rinsing with specialized mouthwash. Flossing is an important step but often neglected in the cycle. It removes food debris in between the teeth. Failure to remove those can lead to gum disease and therefore, develop a bad breath. Don't forget to brush your tongue too! According to recent studies, 90% of bad breath comes from a dirty tongue.

  • Have your Regular Dental Check Up
 Visit your dentist regularly. There might be dental concerns that needs to be treated like removal of stubborn tartar through Oral Prophylaxis or Composite Restorations of dental cavities. Having regular check ups can help you save money and your smile. 

  • Always Hydrate!

       Keeping yourself hydrated is vital for your overall health.Water helps flushing out food debris inside your mouth. It also aids in neutralizing the pH of your oral environment as well as your entire body. Keeping your body at a neutral state will help you lessen the chance of developing cancer.

  •  Specialized Oral Hygiene Adjuncts
Xylitol Gum
         Patients who are experiencing dryness of the mouth can use over-the-counter saliva substitute such as Biotene Products. The patient can also chew a xylitol gum. Xylitol can help increase salivary flow, it enhances remineralization of the teeth, and it stops the bacteria from producing acid that can damage the teeth.

These are some of the simple information about halitosis and how can you prevent it from occurring.

- The Inquisitive Dentist

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